Let’s Build A Place Worth Spending Our Lives In
In the relentless push for more—more money, more success, more stuff—something slipped through our fingers. We lost connection—to who we are, to each other, & to the world that holds us.
You’ve felt it, haven’t you? That knowing, deep down, that something’s off.
But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if we actually lived? Like, really lived – with fire, with purpose, with connection.
That’s where the Innate Campus comes in.
It’s not just a place – it’s a way back.
A way to connect to your Self: through practices and spaces that anchor you in your body, still the mind, and remind you who you are.
To connect to the natural world: the forests and rivers, the cycles of life, and the mysteries beneath it all.
To connect to others: not just passing faces, but a real community – people who are seeking, creating and living non-traditional lives.
And all while thriving in the modern world. Work, create, grow – without losing sight of what matters most.
This isn’t about “coping” or making do. It’s about blending what’s always made us human, with the best of what modern life can offer. So we can finally feel it – that sense of being fully alive. Of being truly home.
From Coping To Thriving
☆ own the land you’re staying in
𓂀 take the path of self realisation
❝ create art, music and things
䷀ lift weights, do martial arts
ϟ launch ideas, collaborate, build
✧ move your body in dance & play
∞ explore states of altered consciousness
⌘ meet your ego, and maybe peek beyond
🜃 live surrounded by abundant nature
$ continue to earn a healthy income
❀ pick fruits off trees, swim in the rivers
♡ meet someone, fall in love
✪ stay in comfortable housing
ॐ enter deep silence of the mind
♡ live in supportive community
◎ be a part of creating something grounded, wholesome, & real
Who We Are
Seekers, founders, artists, nomads, technologists, professionals, space-holders, students, permaculture pros, & more…
We’re a constantly evolving constellation of humans from across the globe, each carving out our own non-traditional paths through life.
The founder of this vision is Harry Verma. For the last 3 years, he’s been running Innate Experiences—hosting meditative colivings, silent retreats, and playful gatherings all over the world. From it, we’ve sparked a thriving community of those walking the middle path, unapologetically living life on their own terms.
Get Involved
We’re building a place where you can glimpse your innate being. A place where you can live from that space of deep connection – while still thriving in modern life.
We’re looking for investment of all sizes, from aligned people. Along with people to contribute to our journey, in all sorts of ways.
Hit the button below to access our decks, and to reach out to us: